Kindergarten Math

Let’s learn how to teach math effectively with smart lessons and using small groups in kindergarten. Find out how to plan your space, set up math centers, and create lessons. Also, find out how to create kinders with strong number sense skills.

Not sure how to teach math in small groups? Then you’ll want to start with: How to Start Guided Math in Kindergarten

Composing and Decomposing Numbers: What This Looks Like in Kindergarten [3-Part Series]

Composing and Decomposing Numbers: What This Looks Like in Kindergarten [3-Part Series]

Building kinders with great number sense has really helped us grow in all areas of math this year. Recently, I wrote a three-part series to illustrate some of how we’ve worked on it especially in relation to composing and decomposing numbers using groups of tens and ones. Decomposing Numbers In part one, I explain the value and…

Why does 10+6=16?

Why does 10+6=16?

This year I have been using small group math instruction to guide my kinders. I’ve shared how its laid out and even a sample lesson called: Composing & Decomposing: A Guided Math Lesson Plan Flow I am very thankful for the insight that these opportunities provided since the way I was doing math in all…