Back to School Night Posters

Welcoming students and their families back to school is now just a click away from being simplified! I made some welcome to school posters that are perfect for your classroom preview or back to school nights. I didn’t call these “back to school” since our kindergartners aren’t coming back – they are being welcomed to school for the first time in most instances.

Do you like to have things made simple for back to school time {for yourself}? I know that I do, and even despite having a checklist of 22 back to school things to do {plus 3,000 more}, this is one thing that I made once and use it every year. Remember I like to work smart… so here is a secret of mine.

KindergartenWorks :: back to school teacher must-have posters

I use posters to help me welcome my new families on our “back to school” nights. In our building we get to meet many of our students for the first time and they can also drop off their school supplies ahead of time.. as in the night before school starts.

{Side note… Go with it} A little known fact to everyone who is not a kindergarten teacher: having those supplies in their backpacks makes those kiddos a wreck. It’s like someone filled their backpack with excitement or nerves instead of glue sticks and crayons… but once that backpack is empty they can begin to focus on “doing school.” Having said that, getting stuff out of backpacks before school begins is magical!

KindergartenWorks :: back to school teacher must-have posters

So, how do these posters help me work smart other than being able to reuse them each year? Well, they save me from having to repeat myself a gazillion times, help me transition parents {if needed} out of a forever-long conversation and most of all – make families feel welcome by knowing what to do without waiting for verbal direction.

they save me from having to repeat myself a gazillion times, help me transition parents {if needed} out of a forever-long conversation and most of all – make families feel welcome by knowing what to do without waiting for verbal direction.

I think that most families feel like having their time spent in the classroom VALUED is more well received than having every single little classroom corner decorated to the hilt {ahem, like I ever do that anyway}. I value their time, and the posters help me show it.

I can help them help their child get familiar with the classroom and cover the most important ‘school things’ to ease fears in the form of discussion. It’s subtle and it works. Although I am void of proof since no parent walks up to me saying, “Thanks for putting up posters so I knew exactly what to do with my child when we walked in. It made me feel better and in turn my child’s experience was much more positive.” I’m sure they were thinking it, but I’ve yet to hear it verbalized {wink}.

KindergartenWorks :: back to school teacher must-have posters

So what posters? Well, most of you have read about how preparing for the parents goes a long way in setting up success for the year. I’ve added a couple based on your input that would be most beneficial to your classrooms. I’ve included checking out classroom areas like where you have your books displayed, the bathroom {always so important for kinders to know} and areas outside the classroom like the lunch room. There are 7 posters total, but I made 4 different design sets so you can choose one that fits your style. Any style will make a great first impression with your new families.

KindergartenWorks :: back to school teacher must-have posters

I like to blow up my posters {to an outrageous proportion} and hang them from the ceiling with a bright piece of bulletin board paper to create a pop of color and capture their attention. I simply call attention to them when introducing myself to families as following each poster is their next step… which I like to say in turn makes them totally qualified to start kindergarten! I hole punch the top two corners. An unbent (in half) paperclip hangs the poster on one end and the other tucks into the drop ceiling frame to keep the poster up.

Since I know you may not want to copy this format of making them gigantic, I’ve made them coordinated so you can still easily point them out to families if you leave them in their original 8 1/2 x 11″ format and post them around the classroom.

KindergartenWorks :: back to school teacher must-have posters

But of course, I took it one step further. Turn it into an activity – a scavenger hunt! Families can have a list of the poster items to check off. Wouldn’t it be fun to reward your new kinders with a pencil or a welcome to school treat for a completed scavenger hunt? Well, anyway I think it could be loads of fun and a great way to round out the night.

KindergartenWorks :: welcome to school teacher must-have posters

Welcome to School Posters

They are available – so head on over and purchase them now!

I’m so hoping that these can save you some much needed time so you can do the 53 gazillion other important things as you prepare for back to school! If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.

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