Kindergarten School Supply List
Getting ready for kindergarten? So are we! Kindergarten registration (or kindergarten round up in our neck of the woods) is the time when we begin prepping parents and new students on what to expect for kindergarten.
We like to include a kindergarten school supply list at the time of registration in addition to sharing our kindergarten parent “welcome to kindergarten” handboook and office/school brochure.
First, let me say that every school and school district does this differently. So, this is just one teacher sharing from her classroom to yours! {wink}
Let me share with you what’s on our school supply list and what we use it for.

Every year we update it to reflect our changing needs and teaching styles, but there are many core things that remain.
Here is an example for the upcoming year.
We break it into two sections, since there are additional things we’d appreciate but can manage without receiving an entire class set of.
Needed supplies:
- Backpack
- 2 Boxes Crayola Crayons
- 1 Set Crayola Washable Markers
- 1 Black Expo Marker
- 1 Bottle Elmer’s Glue
- 4 Glue Sticks
- 2 Boxes Kleenex Tissues
- 1 Plastic Spacemaker School Box
- 1 Pair Scissors
- 1 Composition Notebook
- Winter Gear (Snow Pants, Snow Boots, Gloves, Hat)
Appreciated supplies:
- An Extra Box of Crayloa Crayons
- An Extra Box of Kleenex Tissues
- Playdough
- Gallon or Quart Ziploc Baggies
How do we use the items? Well, let’s begin with the backpack.
We’ve found that coming from an area with a large Headstart population we needed to explain to parents that a regular sized backpack was needed to fit our daily folders and school work.
The small preschool ones just don’t cut it.
Sometimes they look giant on our new kinders those first few days of school, but they hold up better in the long run and aren’t as frustrating to organize!

Onto the markers, pencils, crayons, erasers {a non-yearly item since they last a long time}, Expo marker and pencil box.
In our classroom, each student keeps a couple of pencils, a set of crayons, one washable marker, an eraser, Expo marker and a baby sock {reusable from year to year} in their pencil box.

They use these items on a daily basis and we also keep track of such lost items using our responsibility in a bucket system.
Why do you need…?
Why the expo marker and baby sock? Because we use dry erase markers regularly for our calendar binders and quite a bit during math groups too!
I also keep an additional stock supply on hand since one would not last a child the entire year…. but it gets us started.
The single washable marker is used during word work and other random times to sign names on artwork and such (and sometimes in a math journal for drawing large numbers of dots in ten frame arrangements since its quicker).

The composition notebook is also used regularly by each student each week. They will use it for their math journal.
These little babies get a good work out through the year and see a lot of wear and tear {as do their pencil boxes} but they are solidly built and work great for kindergarten.

The glue bottle, glue sticks, scissors and tissue are stock piled by me and organized throughout the classroom.
The same goes for any Ziploc baggies from the appreciated supply list.
I teach a classroom job friend where materials are, how to read our cupboard labels and they are the go-to person when we need to trade out an empty item for a new one.
And this year we are adding snow gear to the list!
We wanted to give parents the heads up during the summer months to give them plenty of off-season time to find snow pants and gear at thrift stores or as hand-me-downs from family members before the winter season hits.
It’s a given… but we thought the early reminder would be helpful.
And why playdough? I thought you’d never ask!

Because we love it! We use playdough in our Word Work Literacy Center all year long and at the beginning of our year in the math practice zone forming numerals.
I love how kinesthetic it is and reusable {for the most part}. We use a lot of homemade playdough from parent volunteers which works out great, but having a starter set for the year is incredibly helpful!
Let’s wrap it up
I’d love to hear about what you like to put on your school supply list! Do you have any say in it from year to year?
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Is this on Teacher’s notebook or TPT?
Hi Emily, which item are you referring to?
– Leslie
The School Supply list. And do you send the explanations with the list so parents know what they are buying items for?
Gotcha, guess that should’ve been self explanatory {to me} based on the title 😉 I do have it here, so I hope this helps! I don’t explain why, but I thinkmany times parents would find that helpful. It’s just a balance of how much information do we share! Often, we try to convey this type of information during a parent night before school starts {in person} rather than in written form.
– Leslie
Gotcha. Thanks! I went to that link and the round up download is disabled too. 🙁 Our school info meetings are a little crazy and sometimes, I’ve found this year its easier to have in writing for parents and you explain things so well in the supply blog so I was just wondering. 🙂
Good point – it’s all a little overwhelming for some no matter when it gets shared! I should’ve fixed the links. Let me know if it still doesn’t’ work for you.
– Leslie
That worked!! Thanks so much! 🙂 I’m getting ready to finish up my first year teaching and LOVE your ideas to use in my class for next year! 🙂
Thanks Emily for the kind compliments. Congrats on finishing out your first year by already planning for next! That’s awesome!
– Leslie