17 {more} Classroom Things Worth Purchasing From the Dollar Tree

I find myself, a kindergarten teacher as a regular in my local Dollar Tree shops finding good buys for my classroom. You may have already read my list of 21 Classroom Things Worth Purchasing from the Dollar Tree.

I’ve dug through my classroom photos to see what else has held up over the years that I’ve found worth purchasing.

17 things teachers actually should purchase from the dollar tree for their classroom

Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve purchased many things too that I’ve never used, or that broke quickly. Not every dollar store is the same, so take these ideas, what your dollar store has to offer and my opinion with a grain of salt.

This is not a paid endorsement for the Dollar Tree. It’s simply a collection of things I’ve purchased and ways I’ve used them in my classroom. But I am now an affiliate so you can check out what they have available online at the Dollar Tree.

Classroom Stuff Worth Purchasing from the Dollar Tree

Ready? Let’s dig in and explore the shelves of my classroom and my local Dollar Tree store. {wink}

Organizer Baskets – Pencil Baskets

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These three-compartment pencil caddy baskets with handles are usually seasonal around where I live. When they come in, I like to stock up on my favorite colors.

I’ve also found them at Target’s Dollar Spot for a little more money. Any of them can be washed in a dishwasher or replaced every few years.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

I used to use them for community supplies, but now you’ll find them sitting on my shelves holding small group materials for guided reading or guided math.

They make it easy to grab off of shelves and I like that a pencil box can fit in the large slot sideways.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

I keep one at my teacher space right by our document camera to hold markers, pointers and in the pencil case I have glue, mid-size scissors, highlighting tape.

Fuzzy Duster Mitt

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Does this fuzzy duster mitt seem random enough? Let me explain.

If you have students still using CDs like I do, then giving them a safe place to put CDs is important to keep them from getting scratched.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Someday we may make the move to audio players, but until then our CD from our listening center sits on this mitt when students are finished with their listening activity before listening to books on CD.

Self Adhesive Hooks {With Screws}

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These little 2 packs have come to simply be a handy thing for me. I like that they have screws because my custodian was willing to screw them into the wall for me to hang my purse and coat on.

The self-adhesive doesn’t work for too long if you’re gonna use it long term or for anything slightly heavy.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

You can see that I happened to buy them in blue and they are sturdy when used with anchors. {wish they were white… sigh}

They hold my purse up and out of the way, allowing me to make use of an otherwise dead space since I need to keep our back door exit clear. They don’t take up much space hanging from the wall.

Door Stoppers

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

You’re glad that I mentioned this one, aren’t you? Kidding!

But if you have a closet door, a back door or just need one for your classroom door then these will do the trick.

We have to teach how to use these as part of our procedures, but they have saved many fingers from getting pinched in our classroom closet door.

Foam Crowns

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These are an addition to the birthday crowns. These are an option that students can pick from our binder of classroom reward coupons.

I just had one kinder wearing a crown all day today and it has become so normal, that I hardly took notice!

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks
How I store my reward coupon crowns out of the way.

Just note that the colored dye could discolor a sweaty forehead if they wore it to gym or outside to recess. {wink}

Binder Clips

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These binder clips work great for a teacher to use as needed for organization.

I tried them this year to help organize kindergarten writing work. I added a name label to each one, taught students how to use them {tricky, mind you} and store them as needed or let the students use them.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

I’ve seen teachers use them to label student mailboxes which would work too.

Holiday {Happy Birthday} Chair Covers

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These holiday chair covers are newer to the Dollar Tree stores where I live.

If you like change up your teacher chair, a special student chair or create a special spot in the classroom for a student birthday (or another Holiday) then this is an easy way to bring in a Holiday decoration.

I don’t do many decorations {sadly, I know} so this is a simple way that adds something novel to our room!

Mini & Regular Sized Dominoes

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These mini dominoes were a favorite on my list because of 2 reasons.

  1. I could purchase enough to make a small group set without breaking the bank.
  2. I love having the small size because they simply take up less storage space.

We use these during our guided math time like in our math journals, for example, as a manipulative.

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

If you jump down to #15 you can also see that once I found foam dominoes which are wonderfully quiet for me to use in the teacher zone for demonstration purposes.

How do I keep the domino sets organized?

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Each domino has a picture/icon sticker on the back which coordinates with the storage tupperware lid sticker.

Those little tupperwares are also from the Dollar Tree. Imagine that {wink}

Plastic Badge Holders & Lanyards

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These lanyards and plastic badge holders are found in our detective literacy center.

Students use these to stay on track for their focus while reading and writing the room. I like that they are inexpensive enough that I can make one for all letters and “bit” cards without needing to change them out over time.

And I really like that they kept me from having to laminate and cut.

Assorted Small Baskets or Bins

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

While I wish all baskets and bins were matching {just to keep my organized self happy} in my classroom, having a variety of {at least coordinating} bins gives me a place to put everything.

I try to label items so that things get returned to their rightful places, like our “responsibility in a bucket” system, or these timers and think cards pictured above.

Fidget Toys

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Over the years I have come to realize the amount of “fidgeting” we all naturally do.

Think about how you mess with your pen during a staff meeting or handle your cell phone when talking with someone… fidgeting is a natural part of what we do while listening and communicating.

Fidget toys are something I implemented as a reward and an outlet for students.

Weighted balls {not a Dollar Tree item by the way}, stretchy frogs, key chain wristlets and textured balls are examples of items used to help some of my kinders learn how to control {ahem, channel} their fidget impulses and improve listening skills.

Push Pins

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Push Pins – seems normal enough for a classroom, right? Of course you can buy them for the purpose of normal tacking.

I like using them for our pokey pinning literacy center. This center really works their fine motor muscles while practicing sight word sentences.

I found some giant pins earlier this year and those really work their little fingers!


17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

These little gems are a staple in my classroom.

Not for holding things together {mind you if a girl loses her pony tail holder they come to the rescue} but for segmenting and blending.

They are a great visual and tactile representation of how to segment CVC and blend CVC words. Like the pokey pins they come with their own set of procedures, but they have made my teaching life more simple.

Chenille Sticks {Pipe Cleaners}, Pony Beads & Drawer Organizers

17 {more} classroom things worth purchasing from the dollar tree :: KindergartenWorks

Chenille sticks {pipe cleaners} and pony beads are great for the random craft project but I like using them to create our rekenreks and for creating counting sticks or number bond bracelets.

We also use pony beads as manipulatives in divided toddler dinner plates {also from the Dollar Tree} to model working on number bonds.

I use drawer organizers to help keep my year-long teacher materials for guided math compartmentalized. It makes it faster to reach in, put away, pull for a sub or to allow students to help clean up. These are in all of my teacher three-drawer units throughout the classroom.

What a list! {wink}

Based on what I’ve purchased and tried over the years – I hope you can find some great, inexpensive tools  to use in your classroom…

If that’s not enough ideas to fill your shopping cart, be sure to check out the first 21 Classroom Things Worth Purchasing from the Dollar Tree.

Or you may like these 6 reading activities that use Dollar Tree race cars to teach reading.

6 Fun Ways to Teach Reading in Kindergarten With Dollar Tree Race Cars

If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.

More Classroom Goodness

17 Classroom Things you Actually SHOULD Buy from the Dollar Tree for Kindergarten - Stuff that'll last in kinder hands

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  1. I use the birthday chair covers, too. A great and easy way to celebrate students’ birthdays. Guests like it, too, because at a glance they can see whose birthday it is. Originally bought one chair cover, but went back and bought a second one. Several times in the past few years, I’ve had students who share a birthday. Worth the extra dollar to celebrate 2 students at once.

  2. My teaching partner and I for several years now have bought the Tablet cases (soft foam ones that Velcro shut) and give one to each child. They use them as their art supply bags. It keeps all their supplies in it and is QUIET! The plastic bins annoy me because of how loud they get. Then gallon size zip lock bags get ruined within a few weeks. These are awesome to get and use!

    1. Katie, that is a neat suggestion. I too dislike how loud the plastic pencil boxes can be… if only the bags were more transparent – I’d be sold! I can totally see these pockets being useful for lots of things – thanks for sharing.
      – Leslie

  3. Hi! Love your blog! I just got a document camera, and have a white board (not smart). I noticed you said you could project from your document camera to your white board. Would you tell me how? Do you have it connected to a projector? Thanks!

    1. Hi Debbie, Thanks! I do have my camera connected to a projector and then anything I do under the camera is projected onto the whiteboard. Sometimes we draw on the physical whiteboard itself {but mine is pretty hard to erase} but most often we just do everything under the camera and project it. I love the system – it works well for us!
      – Leslie

  4. I stop at every Dollar Tree when I am traveling….Kindergarten vice I guess:) The stores around here no longer carry the mini dominoes…(Northern Indiana). I have even checked their website & not found them. Any suggestions? I need 20 sets for a parent night!

  5. Thank you for the great ideas! I also loved (and I mean loved) the “day in the life” post! Just one question: all these things come from your school’s budget or your own?

    1. Hi Sofia,
      Thanks for sharing your feedback. I’m glad you liked… well, loved {ha} the day in the life post. Thanks! These things come from my own budget. Our school changed the way we get to spend money, and honestly its too much hassle for me to figure out reimbursement when I find stuff in the moment. My husband is gracious to let me call it the “$20 store” since that’s what I spend almost every time I’m there… I just have to plan not to go too often 😉
      – Leslie

      1. That’s what I do, too Leslie! Feels better not to be alone. The last few years (with the crisis and all) our schools budget has gone waaaay too low. 🙁 Kisses from Greece!

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