Which iPad Case is Best for Kindergarten Classrooms?
Kindergarten teachers want to know: Which iPad case is the best to use with kindergartners? Well, I asked and you all answered.
Here is the #1 best iPad case for kindergarten classrooms.

Let me share a little about this iPad case and why it works for kindergarten. I’ll be sharing affiliate links to Amazon so you can check things out for yourself.
iPad Case for Kindergarten
If you’re looking for an iPad case for kindergarten, chances are you just got new technology in your classroom. Lucky you!
While you’re figuring out how to make this new technology work in your daily schedule, you already know that you want this investment to last.
Which means – protecting the heck out of these brand new iPads.
So, what iPad case(s) are up to the task of being manhandled by brand new kindergartners, accidentally dropped by kinders who can trip over a staple and be thin enough for easy storage?
My kindergarten teacher readers on facebook weighed in heavily in favor of the HDE Shock Proof iPad Case for Kids.
Here’s what other teachers said
And here is what some had to say about these iPad cases for kindergarten.
I have 7 iPads and these cases have been AWESOME! I love that the iPads can be upright or tilted at a slight angle and they have kept my iPads safe with daily use. – Laura
I love these! I used these with my 2nd and 4th graders – Alison
We have these in our district and they work great! – Erin
My take on it
So, I checked out this case for you (as in – yes I bought one!) and it is what others say it is.

Here’s what I discovered.
It is a cover for the iPad, has a handle (which also functions as a stand) and it has cutouts for the power and volume buttons.

There is a padded section covering the home button on the iPad which should help protect that from ever being worn out or pushed in too hard.
The iPad slides into the case and is a snug fit. It has a good amount of grip even though it is a dense foam-like material. Overall, I’m really happy with the case.

The only thing I didn’t love about it was that at first, it was a little stiff.
The stand doesn’t hold the weight of the entire iPad very well when you are putting the stand closest to you and making the iPad stand up. It will sometimes fall over just using the stand. We just turned it vertical (like pictured above) for a few days.
It stands up better now that we’ve had it for a while.

But it works great propped up using the stand to only prop it up a few inches.
So picture putting it on the table in front of you – with the stand farthest away from you propping it up just a few inches.
It works perfectly this way for table work and even using it in your lap!
But I didn’t mean to discover this…
I have a 2-year-old at home who dropped the iPad in its case on our back porch floor. It hit the tile/cement on a corner and bounced once to a graceful resting place with no damage. Now, mind you, I didn’t intend to test it out in this way… but with kids… things happen. {wink}
Of course, there isn’t any protection for the screen but you shouldn’t need that as much as protection for the outer edges.
The case does provide a buffer for the screen. So if it lands face down, there is a gap between the ground and the screen.
I also took Trina’s advice into consideration before I picked my color. I ultimately chose blue.
I use these. I wish I’d bought just black because the bright color, although attractive, have noticeable grim on them that mostly comes off. All black would’ve hidden that better. – Trina

You can use headphones with this case. We had no problem fitting ours in. But if yours don’t fit well you can try Lisa’s solution.
I have these and used an exacto knife to widen the opening so headphones would plug in. – Lisa
More iPad Cases for Kindergarten
Other teachers recommended these iPad cases which you should check out too.
We have 4 iPads at the centre I work in and we use the iGuy free standing cases. The little arms are so good for them to hold onto and they’re such heavy duty that they survived me accidentally knocking one off the second floor balcony onto pacers below. – Tarni
Never had a problem with the OtterBox cases with my pre-k kids in four years if iPad use. Highly recommend! – Erin
I have Big grips…LOVE them. – Katie
My campus (pre-k & k) only has iPad carts instead of a computer lab and all of the iPads have Gumdrop cases. – Elise
If you’re in need of some new headphones to go with your awesome new iPads, be sure to check these out.
They limit the volume and multiple kids can connect headphones to each other without needing a splitter. That could come in handy if you also need these at a separate listening center.
There you have it. The #1 iPad case for kindergarten plus a few other suggestions to help you pick out the right cases for your class.
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