Free End of the Year Kindergarten Class Sort Profile Sheet
Today was the day. Our last day of school! I am excited to have time to share ideas with you this summer from this past year and ideas for next year.
One of our end of year duties that we pull together is what we fondly call a “kid sort.”

What’s a kid sort, you ask?
This is an and of the year kindergarten class sort. We sort our students into next year’s classes for the first grade teachers. Our goal: create pretty even classes in regards to gender, levels and behavior issues.
Don’t you wish that could be done when they come into kindergarten? {wink}
Student profile sheet for class sorts
Do you do this kind of sort in your school, or have any input?
Here’s how we do it.

We fill out student profile sheets. Yes, they are extra work, but I don’t mind since I consider them a valuable piece to next year’s teacher.
Their report cards do give their first grade teachers a great understanding of their academic skills, but our student profile sheets are “what I really think you should know about this student… at a glance.”

I understand the concept of not being biased on a student’s achievement level, but in my experience sharing with another teacher, is caring. I share what is most pertinent (because I don’t really want to spend tons of time filling this out). What we write down is confidential. This is key.
I can say exactly what I need to say, teacher-to-teacher.
*As a side note, I also insert their school photos to give the first grade teachers the leg up on learning those names. (Wish we had that advantage in kindergarten too) Right-click and choose, “change picture” to easily do the same.

After filling them out, I print the boys onto blue paper and the girls onto pink paper.
How to do a class sort or a kid sort
- Each K teacher brings the entire set of class sheets in two piles – boys and girls.
- Order each pile by strength in performance (not just ability) – highest to lowest.
- Begin sorting: select a high girl and a high boy from each teacher’s list.
- Put one boy and one girl into each first grade teacher’s pile.
- Continue down the list by selecting another high girl/boy and continue on down the ordered pile.
- Then we move any pairs that shouldn’t end up together and d.o.n.e!
It should be a quick process – create equal groups as much as possible with regards to:
- the number of boys vs. girls
- the number of high, medium and lower-performing students
and eliminate any havoc creating duos.
It’s usually a quick part of my last day of school amongst the packing up, stuffing envelopes, passing out gifts, taking last-minute photos, enjoying field day and filling out cumulative folders.
I hope that perhaps this might be a tool that can be helpful to you this school year.
If you’re looking for more ideas to wind up your year then you should check out these 6 End of the Year Celebrations for Kindergarten.
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
I used the link below and still can’t get to the download. It looks like a great form. Our grade level will be placing our students this year (for the first time) and this form will be extremely helpful. Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Heather – I just made sure the link was updated. It should work now! Thanks for letting me know. Hope this can be helpful as your whole grade level places students. All the best to you.
– Leslie
Hi Ashley, I’m so glad you reached out. I’ve been meaning to update this link, so the reminder is helpful! I’ve just updated it to go to the freebie’s new home:
– Leslie
What a wonderful gift to next year’s teachers! I wish we’d done this when I was teaching.
Thanks for commenting Adrianne!
I absolutely love this student profile idea. It always seems like we stress too much about building next year’s classes. Though it takes us a good while – we have 9 kinder classes (10 next year – yikes!). And we build our classlists before our 4th quarter assessing is done, so it gets tricky. But I will definately be using your profile for my students in the future.
Wow! 10 K classes, that’s pretty big – I can see why that might take a little longer 😉 Thanks for sharing!
Sorry you’re having difficulty Plusk, I’d give it another try as it downloads the profile sheet automatically once you click on the link. My lesson plan sheet is only available in an excel format here: Sorry that its not word, but it is easier to create and change tables using excel!
Thank you for sharing both of these. Would you be willing to make/post/send a banner for those going into second grade? I have a K/1 this year and I know my first graders would love to do this as well. Thank you!!
[email protected]
Thank you friend. I have my last day tomorrow. I might just cry a river.
I really like this! Thanks for sharing! We do data folders that have academic knowledge (letter knowledge, sounds, writing, etc.) from each quarter, but this would be really great to share a little more insight about each kiddo in teacher-speak. Definitely putting on my list to think about this summer!
I live the kid info. sheet that you use! Thanks for letting us download it, I will share this with my team to maybe use next year!
Thanks Micmos! You’re welcome – I hope that if you can’t use it exactly as is, then perhaps it’ll help you adapt what you guys currently use. I’m always looking for ways to improve things! 😉 Are you already done for the year?
It’s nice for teachers to have some input in”sorting the kids” for next year. After all, don’t the teacher know kids in a way that scores on a sheet can’t convey? The teachers in my school also have input when it comes to sorting the kids. Thanks for sharing your sheet, Renee