2024-2025 Teacher Planning Calendar Template
I’m so pumped to announce that the printable calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is available. This calendar template is my most popular teacher tool – it’s the best! And since it’s a two-page spread calendar, it’s ideal for putting it into your teacher planning binder.
Here is the debut of the new 2024-2025 printable calendar.
This is the 14th edition of the Teacher Planning Calendar.
It contains the same great features you loved last year… like the layout, lively color scheme, and bold fonts.
One thing that was kept top priority – you have lots of room to write.
Having an entire month right in front of you, spread across two pages means you can draw, scribble, add details, and notes, and even still have room to write in standards or field trips.

This planner has always been my favorite planning tool. I found that being able to plan long-term (over an entire school year) can make all the difference. That way I could have the basics worked out and add to it as needed.
You’ll love that this is an 18-month calendar.
With this format, it doesn’t matter how late into the school year you purchase – you’re covered and you’ve still got summer months included!
I like getting this calendar set year after year. It is clean, simple, and colorful. Thank you!
– Jenn Woodhams
What’s included in this year’s calendar?
Let’s take a look at what’s in store for you in this year’s calendar.
Here are the new printable pages that are included in this calendar template.

The instant download PDF will welcome you with a fresh new cover sheet!
You can print it back-to-back to make it fit perfectly in your binder (or to bind on its own).

The 18 months are laid out in two year-at-a-glance pages.
The entire printable calendar is pre-filled with dates from July 2024 – December 2025. I’ve added in US national holidays so you don’t have to remember those. {wink}

Each month comes dated and spread across two colorful, yet clean portrait pages.
Simply fill in the events that are important to you – student birthdays, field trips, testing, and meetings!

I love this product! I purchased it for last school year as well and it became the most used part of my teacher binder. So much so that I purchased this year’s back in June so I could use it to layout my long-term planning/pacing for this year. I bring it with me to every staff meeting and it really helps me keep track of everything. I even used it today during our assembly planning meeting! I definitely recommend this for teachers at any grade level.
– Hannah

If you love printing in black and white, don’t worry – a beautiful grayscale version is included for flawless printing.
Upgrade – get the editable calendar option
If you want to type onto your calendar, then snag the Editable 2024-2025 Teacher Planning Calendar. This is a PowerPoint file that allows you to type on top of the calendar background. You can also use it in Google Slides.
Work smart
You can easily set this up to work for you. No more writing the same things over and over again.

Say you like to plan out your themes and favorite read-alouds for the school year. You can set up one month, then copy and paste everything to the next month and change the content as needed.
Or, if you have last year – simply copy and paste your boxes from last year onto this year! Easy peasy.
Add stickers (included)
But one of my favorite features of this upgraded option is the ability to add digital (or printed) stickers.
The included digital stickers make special dates stand out (student birthdays, meetings, half days, vacation, etc.)

Want to know how that works?
You can cut and paste just the stickers you want/need before you print. That means your special reminders are color-coordinated and there’s no limit to how many you can add.
Now… let’s say you don’t have all of your dates prior to printing your calendar… no problem!

You can totally print your own special reminders stickers onto (affiliate) address labels – just the stickers you want – so that you can have stickers to add and last you the entire school year.
With the planning pages this is just as good as an Erin Condren planner!
– Amanda W.

Pick your calendar
Just like last year, you can snag this teacher planning calendar template as an instant download file! {wahoo} That means no waiting game here, ladies and gents!

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