What Does a Teacher Really Want for Teacher Appreciation Week?
This year I wanted to ask other teachers to find out “What does a teacher really want for teacher appreciation week?” and I did.
Over 70 teachers responded and there are three running themes in their responses.
So, if you want to know what to get teachers for teacher appreciation week to show you share – then here are some great answers to get you thinking.
I hope these can help you decide how to show the teachers in your life you appreciate them, their time, and their dedication.
The classroom has needs
The first thing you’ll hear from teachers is that they have classroom needs to be filled.
At this point in the school year supplies may be running low, a teacher may be trying something new and need materials to give it a go, or need something to prepare to usher in the end of the school year.
“I actually love gift cards from places where I can buy things for my classroom. There used to be some great teacher supply stores. I miss them!” – D.G.
“Gift cards to Walmart, Target, Amazon to help pay for things for the classroom. The other gift are great but I always wished for a gift card to buy what the class needed.” – T.L.
So, find out what your teacher might need (don’t be shy to ask in advance) or supply them with a gift card and a note with your hope that it will help them finish out the year strong with a better-stocked supply cupboard.
Gift cards are awesome
This one is much more personal to the individual teacher you’re gifting for… but it can go a long way to show that you know the teacher and want to provide a little treat for themselves.
Teachers are generally pretty busy people and for someone else to buy a favorite treat, a meal for their family, or even bring a favorite drink (like a Diet Coke or hot tea) can speak volumes to let them know you were thinking about them and that their time is appreciated. Gift cards are a great way to do this for them!
Sooooooo many teachers simply said that gift cards were what they really wanted for teacher appreciation week.
“If you don’t already have a list of their favorite things, send an email and ask for specific things, like a favorite drink or sweet/salty snack. I always appreciate that.” – M.W-L.
Similarly though, if you’d rather give them a tangible gift, then send a few of their favorite treats to show them you are thankful.
Thank you notes mean a lot
But of course, not every gift has to come with a price tag. Many teachers commented on how much it means to receive genuine thanks.
It can go a long way for someone to know that their hard work, time, and efforts are noticed. So, write a note that
“Last year a few parents just sent me a message telling me how much they appreciated me and what a blessing I was to their child. It meant more than any gift I have ever received.” – K.P.
“Hand-written note from kids and parents saying Thank you” – L.F.
“Best gift I got was a beautiful thank you card from a parent.” – P.B-C.
So, grab a card or simply jot a note of your sincere thanks and mention something specific that you’ve noticed and appreciate about the teacher’s work, efforts or dedication.
Let’s wrap it up
It seems that gift cards (for both classroom supplies and teacher treats) and hand-written notes are what teachers really want for teacher appreciation week.
One teacher even mentioned all three in her one response:
“Starbucks gift card, gift card towards stores I get school stuff from, lunch delivered, cards of thanks.” – J.O.
So I think it’s safe to say, that these are sure-fire ways of showing your appreciation this year.
Want to print out a thank you poem to attach to your gift card? It’s perfect to jot out a hand-written note on the back {wink}. I wrote this poem personally – as a teacher, for other teachers – because I know what they do daily that can often go unnoticed.
Grab this free printable to go with your token of appreciation:

And if you’re an administrator – in addition to your support – teachers really want more dedicated plan/prep time and fewer meetings. But you probably knew that already, didn’t you?
Teachers, did those who answered get it right? Share your favorite teacher appreciation week gift in the comments.