11 Fun and Simple Hallway Transitions for Kindergarten
Fun and simple ideas for classroom management are often found from the best resource available to teachers: other teachers!
I’ve asked my Facebook readers to share their hallway transitions to help make your classroom management even easier.
Here are their top hallway transition procedures and classroom management ideas.

You’re gonna love these ideas. I’m sure these have been passed on from teacher-to-teacher and from friend-to-friend, but you might find something new to try!
Hallway transitions
Each one comes with a free printable so you can post them by your classroom door. Grab the hallway transition printable posters at the end of this post.
Eyes, feet, hands

This first one was shared by Joanne. It says, “Eyes on the door, feet on the floor, hands behind my back and say no more.” It’s a quick way to remind students of their hallway procedures.
Magic finger

This cute saying works when you like to have students place their finger over their lips when walking in the hallway. It was shared by Lia and it says, ” Magic finger in the air magic finger everywhere magic finger on your hips magic finger on your lips.”
What a cute way of making hallway procedures have a little magic in store, and it helps since they are babies! have you wonder at what age do boys start talking ? read our post relating language skills.
Sneaky ninja feet

Now this one is already a favorite of mine, thanks to Staci! She shared how she says, “We put on our sneaky ninja feet.”
Since I wanted to make it ready to share with you in the form of a free printable, I added a few words to turn it into a rhyming chant.
Can’t you see boys {in addition to girls of course} just thinking this one is the best?
Spanish – Eyes to the front

I personally didn’t need to use Spanish in the classroom, but this one may come in handy for many of you.
It says, “Eyes to the front, hands behind [your back], one follows the other, and no more talking!” This was shared by Michelle and she says it rhymes in Spanish, and comes with hand motions.
I’m standing tall

This cute poem was handed to Manda from fellow teachers. It says, “My hands are by my side. I’m standing straight and tall. My eyes are looking towards the front. I’m ready for the hall. Shh!”
She says that after the “Shh!” that students keep their candlesticks (fingers) up and are ready for the hallway.
Swallow your bubble

This short and sweet reminder came from Catrina. It says, “Cross your arms and swallow your bubble! That’s how we stay out of trouble!” Reminding students to think of swallowing a bubble reminds them of appropriate hallways voice levels. {Love it}
Bubbles and butterflies

This first one was shared by Christina. It says, “Bubbles and Butterflies!” She explains that bubbles are pretend bubbles in their mouths to help keep them quiet and butterflies are their hands on their hips.
It is handy to teach students where to put their hands when first learning hallways expectations so that they are less likely to touch each other.
Marshmallow mouths and toes

This cute saying is adapted from Kindergarten Smiles by Christer. “Marshmallow mouths and toes. Marshmallow mouths and toes. Quietly in the hallway everyone goes, with marshmallow mouths and marshmallow toes.”
It’s a soft and friendly reminder of your hallway expectations.
Peace ✌️ and quiet

Sarah’s tip is to have a place for both hands with “peace and quiet.” She says that students hold a peace sign in the air with one hand and then finger over their lips with the other.
Great big hug

Here’s one that the teacher says and the students repeat after, that Chelsie shared with us. “I give myself a great big hug standing straight and tall my eyes are right in front of me. I’m ready for the hall with a bubble in my mouth.”
This chant is a non-rhyming variation of the “standing tall” hallway poem above.
One, two – Listen and do

This counting chant is from Rachel, “1, 2 listen and do; 3, 4 face the door; 5, 6 fingers on lips; 7, 8 line up straight; 9, 10 let the quiet walking begin.” I love that it can easily be used as a call and response attention-getter too.
Free printable transition posters
Grab your 11 free printable hallways transition posters here:
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Print just your favorites and clip them together.
Then when you’re ready to head out the door you (or the line leader) can flip through and pick one to prepare everyone for the hallway.
Tip: You can also change the print settings to print multiple ones per page. Print them to be half a page and they’ll still look great but not be too bulky.
Hallway classroom management tips
Here are some golden tips on how to up your classroom management game in regards to hallway behavior.
Have some basic rules
Your hallway procedure rules should line up with your classroom rules. In our classroom, we: follow directions the first time; stay in our spot; keep our hands, feet and objects to yourself; be an active listener. These covered us in the hallway too.
That way you’re only teaching one set of rules that apply everywhere.
“Our general hallway rule is: if it doesn’t have your name on in, you CANNOT touch it! This goes for walls, doors, posts, fire extinguishers, and other students’ work. I try to walk by OUR work often so they can touch their own.”
– Michelle
Here is a 2-minute video that is teacher-approved for teaching walking in the hallway procedures:
Be creative, not stuck
Sometimes you’re just in the hallway for much longer than you really want to be. In those moments you need to use your time creatively so you’re not just stuck and hoping that they can wait.
Do sign language sight words
Teach the alphabet in sign language. Do this daily with your alphabet chart. Then when you’re in the hallway:
- Stand across the hallway so your class line can see you
- Fingerspell a sight word and students raise their hand and you pick one to tell you the word
- Swap spots with the person who got it right and they fingerspell to the rest of the waiting line.
- Repeat until your line can move again.
Spell student names too! These count as sight words in our classroom. When you fingerspell, no sounds are needed to communicate.
Perfect for the hallway.
Play Simon Says or a guessing game
If we are stuck in the hallway we play silent Simon says (they mirror my actions) or a content area related “I’m thinking of…” Guessing game in whisper voices (one person gives clues, we raise hands to guess). For example, I’m thinking of an ocean animal, etc.
– Fun in Prek-1 & Kinder
Do silent singing
After your class knows a few songs or brain breaks, do them in the hallway. But of course, without music or words.
There may be some soft giggles after you speed up a round of “head, shoulders, knees and toes” but they can definitely do that and simply mouth the words while doing the actions.
More great songs (and fingerplays) to sing softly or mouth and do silently:
- 5 Little Ducks
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Hokey Pokey
- Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo Doo
Let’s wrap it up
There you have 11 fun and simple hallway transitions shared by KindergartenWorks readers.
With the free printables and bonus tips to keep you from feeling stuck while waiting – I hope you’re feeling set for managing kindergarten behavior in the hallways.
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Up to what grade do you think this is appropriate?
Maybe thru first or second grade.
Cute and creative. I look forward to your emails!
Thank you for sharing…for free!
This is something I have been looking for thanks. It is short and sweet
Wonderful! Glad you found exactly what you’re looking for Ariel
– Leslie
Thank you! Just what I needed!
Wonderful! Enjoy and have a great summer Destiny
– Leslie
Such a very useful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article.
Leslie, as usual, you’ve created exactly what I need for my kinder-bears. I love the posters. We’ll be learning these this week, too. Thank you.
Aw, thanks Betsy – you’re the sweetest!
– Leslie
Wow, some good ones for transition! We use this for walking through the school -When we’re walking we’re not talking.
Good one Carol! Thanks for sharing yours too.
– Leslie