13 Creative and Sweet Kindergarten Mother’s Day Crafts
Mother’s Day crafts for kindergarten can be tricky to finagle in the classroom. Time is precious and yet creating a special mother’s day gift does top out the list every year of must-dos.
Here are some creative and sweet kindergarten crafts for Mother’s Day.

The range of projects in this list ranges from projects that you can assemble the materials and kindergartners can do by themselves to projects that require a lot of adult work.
It took me a few years before I landed on a project that I wanted to do for more than just one year. I hope that this list can help you find something you’ll love to do every year!
Crafts Kids Can Do All By Themselves
I love it when I found projects that my kinders could do all by themselves.
These projects take modeling and prep of course, but the process from start to finish can totally be done by five and six-year-olds.

Mother’s Day Crafts – This pictured set crafts are fun and perfect for kindergartners.
There are more projects on this list, but the:
- fingerprint poem
- ‘love you to pieces’ card
- thumbprint necklace and
- tissue paper flowers
are just perfect for K.
Students may need a little help threading the thumbprint necklaces.

Mother’s Day Butterfly Handprint Poem – Kinders can write their message from a model and paint their own hands to make a sweet handprint poem for their moms.
Mother’s Day Crafts {Some Teacher Involvement}
These kindergarten projects for Mother’s Day are pretty awesome but do require a teacher to step in before the project is complete… or they require additional prep work and/or materials.
I think you’ll love these unique Mother’s Day crafts!

You Light Up My Life Lightning Bug Jar – Fingerprints and a paper mason jar makes a cute gift or Mother’s day card craft.
Helping Hands Oven Mitt – Painted handprints makes an adorable oven mitt for mom. You can add the student name and year with a fabric marker once they’re dry. Snag an oven mitt at the dollar tree to save.

3D Flower Photo – Take a staged photo and have students make a pipe cleaner and tissue paper flower to create a 3D effect.

Faux Stained Glass – This is my favorite project since each one turns out unique. Snag photo frames at the dollar store to make this beautiful project with glue.

Love You To the Moon and Back – Popsicle sticks, aluminum foil and a cutout photo makes for an adorable keepsake project. Kindergartners will most likely need to have their photos cut out for them.

Heart Felt Hand Tree – Create a stand-up handprint tree with cut out hearts. A sweet project that will take a little more time.
You may also like this Sweet and Easy Mother’s Day Photo Overlay for Kindergarten Gifts. It takes very little class time but requires computer skills to finish it off. I’ll teach you how.
Creative Mother’s Day Projects {{Enlist Some Help}}
While you don’t have to enlist help, these Mother’s day projects for kindergarten are definitely more hands-on.
You’ll want to weigh the cuteness against the work factor – but they might just be right up your alley!

I Love You Because Photo Shoot – Turn a photo shoot into a sweet photo mother’s day gift. Use a backdrop and an app or befunky.com to edit the photos with an individual message for each mom.

Fun Photo Bookmarks – These double-sided bookmarks are magnetic. You may want to enlist an adult’s help to cut out the photos and put them together but the finished product is really fun!
And just like that – after Mother’s Day the end of the year is upon us.
Have you already got your end of the year teacher shirt? Here are my current favorites. Hurry – there’s still time to order.
Ready to bring it home?
Get organized with these End of the Year Celebrations for Kindergarten.
Or start your official countdown using the alphabet. It’s a classic way to wrap up your kindergarten year. Just remember to keep it simple!
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Leslie: Thanks for posting great gift ideas for Moms! Some of these I haven’t seen before so I was delighted to discover the newbies like the climbing to the moon and back!
You’re welcome Becca! Always fun to find something new…