Free Guided Reading Strategy Checklist for Kindergarten
Make reading in small groups easier with a reading strategy checklist.
Here is a free checklist I’ve made for guided reading groups to communicate what I’m seeing with kindergarten parents.

When reading with small groups, documenting what strategies students try is a great way to both informally assess and help guide your own planning. We teachers have to find ways to save time, right?
Well, in my opinion a checklist is the way to go. Let me give it a check and be done! Same principle as in crossing stuff off a to-do list, which I lo-o-o-ve.
Wait a minute, Leslie… Don’t you assess by taking notes and running records in your guided reading binder?
Yes, I do! Taking notes is the most meaningful way I track what my students are doing. For me, it works out great for planning lessons or for reorganizing my groups.

Then, why this additional piece?
I felt like with the implementation of Common Core standards, the mention of reading strategies earlier on in the school year meant I needed to communicate more regularly to parents what I was seeing.
I could send home running record data… um, yeah right.
So I created this half-page form to communicate to parents in a simple and effective way.

What I have learned is that my kinders appreciate it as a form of immediate feedback and are generally excited {gotta love kindergarten} to practice the strategies even more.
Sometimes I stick it in a book (like one of their reminder bookmarks) that goes home with them.
It helps me communicate these Common Core standards:
- K.RF.4. Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
- K.RF.4.a. Use self-correcting strategies when reading simple sentences.
- K.RL.4.e. Understand and use fix-up strategies.
- K.RL.4.e-1. Use pictures to figure out unknown words.
- K.RL.4.e-2. Break words into sounds to read unknown words.
- K.RL.4.e-3. Chunk unknown words into parts to read unknown words.
Do you do this checklist for every kinder, every time you meet with them?
I just use these guided reading strategy checklists to communicate on a semi-regular basis and as I feel needed.
I’ve found that if I keep them handy, then whenever I do a running record it is just a checkmark (or two) away from sending home as an update to parents.

If you have my guided reading products, you’ll love that it is consistent with the reading strategy icons!
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Let’s wrap it up
There you have it – a free checklist for guided reading groups so you can communicate what you’re seeing with kindergarten parents.
I hope you find this free printable helpful as you grow your readers.
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Have you had a chance to research evidence-based practices? It might shift some of the checklist and practices you are promoting in reading instruction. I love your work and thought you’d like to be aware of current practice.
Oh yes – it’s all about the science of reading these days! Maybe someday this website version can get a facelift 😉
I love the guided reading checklist. I shared it on my fb page but was never able to download it. I bought your guided reading pack, hoping it would be in there, but it wasn’t. Would it be possible for you to email it to me? Thanks
Hi Katie,
I’m working on debugging that right now. Hopefully it’ll be resolved super soon! If not, I can email it to you. You can send me a personal message on facebook with your email.
Hi Katie, would you be able to try that again? I just had that error fixed. My apologies for the technology fluke {{uughh}}! Thanks!
– Leslie
Where did you find those Common Core Standards beside the bullets? I’ve looked on 2 apps and the common core website and have not seen the standards broken down to that extent.
Hi Mary, the sub-standards came from the state of Indiana. They are listed out here by quarter: I consider them building blocks 😉
Hi Mary, the sub-standards came from the state of Indiana. They are listed out here by quarter: I consider them building blocks 😉