6 Free Ending Sounds Activities for Small Groups
Practice ending sounds while teaching kindergarten readers in small groups. Here are my favorite free ending sounds activities for kindergarten.

During my guided reading sessions, I usually like to plan a warm-up activity that works on a skill my kindergartners need.
Sometimes that’s working on alphabet identification, isolating beginning sounds, or even segmenting and blending orally.
So I wanted to round up my favorite activities that focus on ending sounds for you.
These printables and games are all free and while I didn’t make them, I do recommend them! They stayed tucked away in my clutter-free filing cabinet until group time.
Be sure students have the skill of segmenting and blending onset and rime orally first before trying to isolate the ending sound.
Ending sounds activities
Here are 6 materials to work on isolating ending sounds with kindergarten students.

This is by far my go-to resource that I used during group lessons to work on isolating individual letter sounds.
While it works for sounds in all three positions of CVC words, when I use the traffic light CVC word cards, it gives me flexibility.
Here are two ways to use these:
- Show students picture cards (not included in this file) and they write the correct letter sound in the red light spot.
- The teacher reads the word card aloud. Students write the ending sound in the red light and then the teacher reveals the card so students can see if they got a match.
If students could isolate and produce the ending sound, but not write the correct letter, we’d have an alphabet chart nearby for support.

Use structured word cards to help break words into their individual sounds.
Using these feelin’ crabby cards, students move along a gameboard that gives purpose to all of the ending sounds practice.
I would just make students identify aloud the ending sound (just the sound produced, not the letter name).

Handy printable cards like in this ending sound clip activity reminds me a lot of the camping beginning sounds printable.
We’d use it in the same way.
Instead of a clip, I have students place a bingo chip or some kind of marker on the correct letter.

Use this ending sound letter stamping worksheet with stamps, pencil, or with a dry-erase marker.
They simply write in the letter to identify the ending sound.
This would be an awesome sheet to combine with feeling the pull of a rubber band as students segment the CVC words.

I like the concept of the ending sound gingerbread match activity since it involves sorting without being a cut and paste activity.
Use it again and again. Simple.

Use these lucky ending sound letter sheets as quick check-ins (or as a pre-assessment).
Instead of using them with scissors and glue, I’d have manipulative letters like magnets out to keep it fun and reusable.
Let’s wrap it up
It’s a handy list and should cover you! It doesn’t take too many repetitions in small groups for kinders to get this skill.
Keep in mind that identifying/producing the ending sound and identifying the ending sound by naming the letter are two different skills {wink}.
I hope that these can be helpful as you differentiate for your kinders.
Want to get your hands on more free games and activities to use in your guided reading groups? Check out these 6 Alphabet Identification resources to start.
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These will be great for my small group that are working on final sounds! Thanks for sharing these great ideas!