3 Ways to Use Filing Cabinets When You’ve Gone Digital
I shared earlier this year on facebook how I’ve gone digital with all of my files. It’s been a game changer! Here’s the low down on how I did it and what I use my filing cabinets for now. If you like feeling organized, you’ll never want to look back. It’s a bit like going minimalist and it is very freeing… seriously.
How I’ve Gone Digital
When I cleaned out my filing cabinets, I saved only 1 copy of the things I wanted to keep. Then I used my school’s copy machine to create digital pdf’s and email them to myself. That actually helped me purge more papers I didn’t feel like digitizing! I’ve never missed anything that I’ve ditched {truly}…
Then I recycled the paper copies. They were not allowed to return to my classroom.
Now when I needed something, I turned to my computer folders instead of my filing cabinets! It made my prep time easier. I sent the page(s) to be printed with the number needed for my class. I went down to pick it up. No master copy to worry about and return to a folder. Just done.
I’ll share next week more in depth how I did it using our network copier/printer and suggest alternatives if you don’t have the same kind of setup.
How to Use Filing Cabinets for Storage
Now I could use my filing cabinets for things that matter! And I used them to save myself time. I may have admitted this before, but I loathed having to walk around my room to get things. I like things within arms reach of where I’m at. It may be totally lazy of me, but I’m much more likely to use and put things away if it’s convenient… so I make it convenient.
I didn’t want my filing cabinets to go to waste. I like that they hide what’s inside. It makes it easy on the eye, feels uncluttered and it’s probably the same reason I use bins for literacy center storage and drawers for math zones.
Here’s how I used two short (2-drawer) black filing cabinets after they were no longer filled with papers and craft samples.
Guided Reading Game/Activity Storage
Keeping my guided reading table uncluttered was a must. It had to function as a regular table, teacher table and my lesson planning space at the end of the day. This filing cabinet housed my guided reading games so that they were within arm’s reach.
And I’ll totally admit to you that I may have also kept a stash of chocolate in this drawer for me too. {wink}
Read Alouds
Book storage is an easy way to use filing cabinets. While I kept most books in our library center or in the closet to rotate out books, I did stash my regular read alouds in one filing cabinet drawer. This filing cabinet was located super close to our carpet area. Close to where it was needed and almost within arm’s reach of my rocking chair.
I ordered them by when I generally introduced them and it made it pretty quick to find exactly what I needed on the spot.
Other Materials
Something I needed on hand regularly were pages to our calendar math binders. Needing them within arm’s reach while we were on the carpet made the decision to use the second drawer of the filing cabinet mentioned above the perfect solution.
So I simply filed away the class sets of binder pages (already in page protectors) and also stored our printed off calendars for the entire year. I stored pages we’d outgrown back into in that drawer so they’d automatically be ready for the next year. It was very easy to grab a new page to hand out when they were ready for it.
So that’s how I went digital and how I ended up using my filing cabinets. If you have a time saving tip, please share with us in the comments. If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Love it!