Free Highlight-a-Letter Alphabet Sheets for Kindergarten
Work on letter identification and visual discrimination with these alphabet sheets. Here is a set of free letter worksheets for students to highlight the letter and name it.
I would use these letter sheets whenever a student was really struggling to name a specific letter. Most often, it was a quick activity we did during guided reading groups.
These highlighting sheets are a fun way to practice naming the letter while strengthening the students’ visual discrimination skills. They include cute characters from the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Let me show you how to use them and how you can make them. Plus, I’ll give you the free download so that you can use them in your classroom too.
How to use
To use these sheets, pick the letter that a kindergarten student is having the most difficulty naming.
Have the student write their name and use an alphabet chart to sing the ABC’s until they land on the letter that matches the focus of their worksheet.
So, if they are struggling with d, have them sing until they get to the letter Dd, then stop.
Have them identify the letter in the large circle by naming it out loud.
Now the student will work through the rest of the sheet finding and highlighting all of the matching letters.
But this isn’t just a jump-all-over looking for the letters worksheet.
They must work from left to right and top to bottom and touch each letter (or picture) with their finger as they move through the page.
And when they come to the matching letter, they must say the letter name out loud.
If they forget the letter name, they should re-sing the ABC song until they get to that letter again.
If they make a mistake, have them identify that and cross it out.
Materials needed
You can have students use highlighter markers or simply a bright yellow marker.
My favorite way was to use (affiliate) bingo daubers or dot makers. Students love to use these and they make it a high-interest activity.
But you could also use (affiliate) see-through bingo chips to cover up the letters or dry erase markers. This way you can easily re-use any sheets for multiple students.
How to make it
You can make this activity to use in your classroom too. Here’s how:
Download these highlight-a-letter alphabet pages. [terms of use][downloading help]
Then print the pages that you need and you can laminate if you want to reuse them or slip them into plastic page protector sleeves.
Then they are ready to use!
Let’s wrap it up
There you have it – a set of free letter worksheets for students to highlight a letter they are having difficulty naming and name it.
I hope that these sheets help your students learn some of those letters that are tricky for them more quickly.
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You may also like this Free Naming Letters Activity: I Spy Jungle Letters.
My grandson loves this activity. We also use Bingo Markers for highlighting!