13 Valentine’s Day Videos for Kindergarten – Read, Move and Learn!

Want to find kindergarten-friendly videos that hit the mark in time for learning about Valentine’s Day? Here is a list of teacher-recommended videos for teaching about love, friendship, and the holiday filled with candy hearts.

It can be fun to change up our normal routine in the classroom for February (when most teachers sprinkle in a few Valentine activities) and add a video or two into our lesson plans.

For example, you just might need a learning video to supplement what you’re teaching or a brain break video that can help get the wiggles out.

Whatever you need – here are Valentine-themed books read aloud, brain break videos and some learning videos that can help you teach.

Valentines-themed read alouds

These stories are good read-alouds for learning about showing love to others. They are fun and nod to Valentine’s Day while sticking to what is age-appropriate for kindergarten.

I’ll be sharing affiliate links and more information about most of the books in case you want to read a hard copy.

Pete the Cat: Valentine’s Day is Cool

Pete works to create Valentine cards for his friends. This book features the beloved blue cat, but is a departure (as most of the newer books are) from the original and is slightly dry.

But if you have some kiddos in your class who are less-than-enthusiastic about Valentines this story can help some see the value in showing they care to their friends, with or without cards.

Get the book >>

How to Catch a Loveosaurus

Follow a class of kids who visit the loveosaurus in the natural history museum. A fictitious dino takes the class through many exhibits and focuses on making others smile for Valentine’s Day.

Get the book >>

The Calendar Kids: Meet February

This video is the new vid on the block for Valentine’s day in the classroom. It’s a cute take personifying a month in the year as a school-aged kid to display the special things about it.

Follow a girl named February as she creates and ends up losing Valentine’s cards she makes for all her friends. You’ll meet a groundhog named Shadow, and be reminded of how many days are in the month.

Get the book >>

A Crankenstein Valentine

Crankenstein does not love anything about Valentine’s day. Follow along as we find just one thing that Crankenstein can make the holiday bearable… a friend who feels the same way as you do!

Get the book >>

The Valentine Bears

As two bears hibernate for winter, Mrs. Bear wakes up to create a happy Valentine’s Day to share with Mr. Bear. A little surprise and a happy, expected ending make this a sweet video for Valentine’s day.

Mr. Goat’s Valentine

Mr. Goat spends his day finding special things for his “first love” — his mom! A good book to connect students to showing love to family members on Valentine’s day, minus the rotten eggs.

Brain breaks

Brain breaks allow students to unwind from learning by moving to music to recharge. Here are a couple that are just right for February.

Freeze Dance: Brain Break

Okay, so we can have a little fun and freeze to the beat, right? Of course, we can!

Teach your students how to do the popular “floss dance” shake and flap your arms and give them a chance to giggle and move.

1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Valentines

Transform this super-quick counting video into a movement-based activity. Pick two motions – like clapping and jumping – and assign a motion to the word “red” and a motion to the word “Valentine.”

Students listen and do the appropriate motion to get moving. It’s a quick 1.5 minutes but easy enough to do twice through with a different set of motions to keep kinders engaged!

Learning videos

These videos are meant to help you teach mini-concepts in the classroom. They use Valentine’s-themed videos but focus on kindergarten standards.

Find shapes in the classroom

Kinders need to be able to identify 2D shapes in their environment. Turn this quick little 2 minute video into a shape hunt.

As each shape is mentioned, have students walk to find that same shape somewhere within the classroom environment (walls, floors, shelves, etc.) and either point to it or touch the shape waiting for the refrain.

On the refrain, “Just put me in an envelope and give me away!” have your students pretend to grab the shape, stick it in a pretend envelope, and send it through the air like an envelope paper airplane. Move onto the next shape and repeat!

Skip Count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

I really like that this video brings out the number chart and shows the pattern of counting by twos, fives, and tens on top of it. I do this when I’m teaching the value of coins and how to skip count.

We always had a motion connected to counting. For example, when we’d count by fives, we’d punch our arms across each other (like a kickboxing move). If we were counting along with this video, I’d have them to that motion while listening.

February – Calendar Song

Listen to this video after listening to Meet February book above. It covers how to spell February, how many days are in the month and what special things are in the month: Black history month, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Groundhog Day, leap year.

Goodness, what a busy month!

Valentine Shapes -Which ones rhyme?

Let kids listen to this short set of word pairs. See if they can identify the rhyming pairs.

When they hear a rhyme – do a motion – like jump or turn around. Watch out – there are two in this song that aren’t real rhymes!

Let students free-style dance in between listening for the rhymes.

If You’re a Kid… Valentine’s Day Remix

What’s a kindergarten video list without a Harry Kindergarten video?

Kids listen to the alternating boy and girl call outs and respond by following the directions. Boy name things they love: a toy, a teacher, tv show, sports team, drink, color. Girls name things they love: foods, a friend, book, animal, song, part of school.

In between every few sets, kids hug a friend and then the call outs continue.

Want to see this in a kid-friendly version?

I’ve got your back.

I’ve added most of the videos from this list, and added a few more over on the Valentine’s Day-themed page of coolkindergarten. Be sure to check it out and save it for the next time you head to the computer lab!

Let’s wrap it up

There you have it – my list of Valentines Day videos for kindergarten.

I hope that these books read aloud, dance videos and learning videos can come in handy since it has been teacher pre-screened for you!

What videos did I miss that you love to share with your class for Valentine’s Day? Tell us in the comments.

More Videos for Kindergarten

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