What the Teacher Really Wants for Christmas – Fun and Practical Gifts for Teachers
Finishing off my own Christmas shopping had me thinking about the perfect gift for a kindergarten teacher.
Here is a fun list of teacher gifts from my own personal list, facebook teacher peeps and even my past colleagues.

While you may want to share this on your own facebook page in hopes that your friends and family may see it {wink}, I’m also hoping that this can be helpful to any classroom parents who are looking to surprise a special teacher this holiday season.
To be transparent, many of these links are affiliate links.
However, I’m only sharing the must-have’s from my own list when I was in the classroom or use-every-day’s from other teachers who love practical gifts.
Unique Gift Ideas for Teachers
Classroom Donations
If your teacher has a Donor’s Choose project open, you can donate to help them reach their goal to purchase supplies needed for special projects. If you’re not sure, it won’t spoil the surprise to ask what he/she could really use. You might be surprised how excited a teacher will get over new headphones for the listening center, a wireless mouse or a new glue gun.
Send Along a Favorite Drink
Find out what is the go-to favorite beverage of your teacher. If she drinks a McDonald’s sweet tea, a frappucino or a Coke every day while at school… provide a few throughout the month of December to make it a sweet treat.
Offer Your Services
Create a personalized coupon book. Make a coupon book full of helpful and specific tasks that you can do to take work off of your teacher’s plate.
Offer to cut a project out of laminating, provide a bag of candy, make copies for a half-hour, bring in a dozen glue sticks, etc.
Give a Teacher T-shirt

While the days of wearing a t-shirt with students’ handprints aren’t over, giving a teacher a t-shirt that can last more than one year is a better fit.
I’ve created lots of designs for these cute teacher tees. You’re sure to find the perfect teacher shirt for your teacher this Christmas.
I’d start by giving them one from their grade level – we are insanely proud of the grade we teach!
Gifts for Teachers – The Daily Stuff
Things I used daily are the things that make perfect gifts. This includes things to help keep me organized and comfortable so that I could think quick on my feet all day long.
A Tote-Worthy, Cute Teacher Tote
Having a Thirty-One style utility tote with multiple pockets and a large structured inside is great.
A teacher can easily put her lesson planning binder, a few journals and her sweater in at the end of the day. Small pockets keep little things from getting lost and is a great place to stash keys and a recess whistle.
A collapsible crate is also a popular option if the teacher doesn’t have stairs to contend with.
Smart, But Awesome Shoes
Since most kindergarten teachers are literally on their feet all day long, a great pair of shoes is a must. While this is a personal choice, Clark Privos and Skecher Go Walks are great slip-ons to consider.
Teacher Tumbler
Staying hydrated all day is key in fighting headaches and staying on top of the teaching game.
A tumbler with a straw is an ideal gift. If you’ve got a teacher with a southern flair, maybe the mason tumbler would be more her style.
Fill it with some wrapped chocolates!
And you can always add chocolate to the list… a bag of chocolate candies that are just for the teacher.

Classic Teacher Christmas Gifts
There is truth to the fact that we love school supplies. Here are some fun use-every-day types of school supplies that a teacher loves to call her own.
- Mr. Sketch smelly markers make fun charts and are a classic buy.
- Treat your favorite teacher to Sharpie Flip Chart markers – they won’t bleed through and have a perfect tip size.
- Grading and filling out lesson plans can be colorful with Flair pens or good gel pens.
- It may also be that your teacher could use a pencil sharpener, three hold punch or a high-quality stapler. Just ask!
Another idea is to have your PTA/PTO ask on your behalf for a wishlist of school supplies that the teacher uses regularly.
I’ve gotta admit, next to chocolate… my personal favorite gift was always a gift card because there we love going out to eat in my family and it’s always a treat.
Have a gift you’d love to get as a teacher? Or do you have a present you love to give? Tell me in the comments below!