Kindergarten Pirate Unit – Reading, Writing and Math
It’s finally here! The “Pirates Math and Literacy Centers and Small Group Materials” is available. It truly is the best games and activities we love to use in our kindergarten classroom to help you accomplish your Common Core standards and goals.
I introduced this item with a few sneak peek photos before, but I now I want to show you how it’s all about saving you time. Everything is already differentiated (or editable) and ready to go… not fluffy stuff, but the stuff we need to use on a regular basis to move our kindergartners forward in learning to be readers, mathematical thinkers and writers.
Kindergarten Pirates Math and Literacy Unit includes
Reading Activities Included
Roll, Say Keep Differentiated Game (Sight Words, CVC Words and Editable Version)
One of my favorite games to play in partners or triplets during a guided reading session, this game focuses on reading cvc words and pre-primer sight words. I’ve added an editable version so you can create cards to match the level of your students.
I SPY and Record (Alphabet, Sight Words and CVC Words)
This game is intense in motivating students. There are 3 versions included, 4 if you want to hide your own set of 10 things within the editable picture mats. There is just something about finding miniscule, hidden things and recording your findings. I’ve made an answer key so you can leave the magnifying glasses up to your kinders to use. {wink}
*Editable files require Microsoft PowerPoint

No matter what kind of magnifiers you have, they’ll work! I love using these long ones that I got from the dollar tree since they cover a lot of surface area at once and teach my students to scan left to right.
I’ve made icons on the recording sheets to match the workmats so everything is easy to keep organized when pulling differentiated materials.
Sunlight Sight Word Catchers (Simple, More Complex and Editable Version)
I’ve adapted the use of pokey pinning to fit our sight words, themes and expanded it to sentences for my growing readers.
We call them our sunshine sight word catchers since they make a beautiful window display. Each student has their own clip and they change out their design each week as they finish a new sight word catcher.
Fluency Charts (Letter Naming/Sound Production and Nonsense Words) {Not Picutred}
Organization Labels
You know that I’ve got your back whenever I adapt something from my classroom to share with you. I’ve added bonus material to help you keep everything organized and labeled. You know I {{love}} being organized. So, to make this as simple as hitting the print button I’ve added labels for each item that you’d be storing or printing off ahead of time.
Spin and Change Word Work Mats and Cards (3 Levels)

I wouldn’t leave you without going above and beyond either. {That’s not my style} So I’ve added a teacher tips page for each item to give you an at-a-glance cheat-sheet version or to give you tips on making organizing simple. When you open a file, you’ll know exactly what to do with it!

These spin and change games focus on substituting phonemes in beginning, ending and medial CVC word positions. Your students will giggle at the silly nonsense words they create using this fun game. They will love writing on the pirate paper and using their own individual workmat.
Math Activities Included
Problem Solving Differentiated Prompts (2 Prompts/3 Levels) {Not pictured}
I think you’ll love having simple icons to keep the differentiated materials organized and easy to grab when needed. Labels to organize games and materials included. I’ve made each label in three sizes so that way you use what works.
Making 5 and 10 Memory Games (3 Levels of Each)

What’s more is that for the student activities or games, I’ve added picture directions to make it easier to both model and remind students of how to play or expectations. If you like to use helpers or aides, then these will also pay off big time in saved time explaining what to do or how to play.

Addition Bump Games (3 Levels)
What’s more classic than playing math games like memory and bump to keep relevant skills in front of students all year? There are three versions included with picture directions for each. Students will love to play in pairs during stations or math zones.
Color by Ten Frame (3 Levels)

This activity is a new one that I thought of and am very proud of! I love working on composing and decomposing with my students and this is a fun independent way to practice (and to read color words.) You’re seeing this concept here first on KindergartenWorks!
Writing Pieces Included
“What’s Your Opinion?” Class Book
For students to write their own opinion on a variety of topics is huge within Common Core curriculum spanning across the grade levels. It starts with kindergarten. This class book is ready to go. Turn this into a guided writing lesson for students who need more support or use it as a independent writing opportunity.
Want to have them write about a specific topic within the theme – we’ve got you covered. We’ve included editable covers for your class book.
Differentiated Writing Templates
You’ve got a template to give freedom or to focus your students’ writing as they share their opinions. You’ll see we repeat this range of creating levels of support in all of our writing pieces.
Writing Organizers (Set of 5)

No matter if you are teaching how-to writing, a personal narrative, specific genre or mini-lesson we’ve included 5 writing graphic organizers to help you reach your growing writers. We’ve made each organizer a full sheet and two half sheets to make this classroom-friendly.
Craftivity Pieces Included
Craft Template Pieces
Perfect for hooking your young readers and writers into the pirate theme, we added a simple cut and glue craft to this unit. Students can add embellishments to make their own pirates unique. Pair this with the craftivity stationary as seen below and you’re all set to display some great writing in the hallway. These would also be paired beautifully with the opinion writing pieces or with the problem solving prompts for display purposes.
All you have to do is run off the templates onto colored construction paper. {Bam} Done.
“Craft”ivity Stationary

Like I said, it’s all about saving you time by creating fully functional materials that are already differentiated (or editable) and ready to go… fluffy stuff – I think not! Highly motivating in the form of games and interesting activities to keep young readers, writers and math thinkers moving forward. And what’s not to love about pirates?! Right now, you’ll save as we have it marked down for the first 3 days!
What are some of your favorite pirate themed read alouds that could be used in connection with this theme? If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.