Kindergarten Parent “Handbook” Brochure
Kindergarten round up and registration is a great time for teachers within a school building to connect with new kindergarten parents and families.
This printable Welcome to Kindergarten brochure can help you highlight important information about what kindergarten is like and relay it to parents in a meaningful, attractive way.
You may have already read how we prepare parents for “school life” by using this free printable and editable brochure.
We like to think that one comes from the school office and conveys info. pertaining to how the school day works, whereas this one…
… well, this one is “from the teachers.”
It features fun things parents can do at home to help prepare their child, pencil grip and 2 strong online sites they can utilize. I want to really get parents introduced to the fact that there are already so many things they can do as their child’s first teacher.
Be sure to download the product preview so you can see just how we make it full of pictures that speak to parents while communicating the all-important readiness and prep stuff for kindergarten.
Will it cover absolutely everything? Nope.
Will it do the job? Yes!
I’ve also made it available in three colors in case the watermelon-version above isn’t your favorite color scheme.
Think it might work in your classroom? What tips do you like to share with parents? If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.