Round ‘Em Up! Kindergarten Parent Brochure
Kindergarten round-up and registration is a great time for teachers and schools to connect with parents. This free printable and editable brochure can help you highlight important school information and relay it to parents in a meaningful way.
It’s that time when we round up our new kinders in preparation for next year!
My favorite teacher down the hall and I thought that it was ideal to put materials together that were eye-catching and put information into small enough chunks of information for parents to absorb.
After all, the 5 plain white papers with Times New Roman, Size 12 font that listed in paragraph upon paragraph and column after column of information didn’t seem appealing to us – let alone seem palatable for any new parent.
So, we decided to put together 2 brochures – one from the office, and one from the teachers.
This one from the office hopefully makes it simple for parents to find key information about how “school” works. I took out my school’s information but it prints into a two-page fold-able brochure when you print double-sided.
Parents appreciate pictures too!
Throughout the entire document, we continually refer parents to a site we created using Google sites that just has information pertaining just to our kindergarten. It was a project to create, but it requires very little updating each year and has saved us many repetitive parent questions and phone calls in the long run!
School-wide parent kindergarten registration brochure

What to include:
Here are the main items I think are most beneficial to parents at the registration phase.
- General Kindergarten Readiness (in bullet points – short and sweet)
- Drop Off/ Pick Up/ Busing Information
- School Supplies
- Lunch and Breakfast Information
- Attendance Expectations

Things I think should also be repeated or highlighted for at-a-glance help:
- School Phone Number
- School Day Hours
- First Day of School Date
- Principal and Secretary’s Name
I’ve made a couple of different colored versions to better fit your school’s colors. {But I’m sure I missed someone’s… so sorry!}
You’ll need Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to edit this free printable.
You’ll also want a grab a picture of your school to put on the front cover for some extra-personalized pizzazz.
I’ll even share links to the fonts if you want to make yours match what I’ve started {wink}

Download Links:
Fonts to Match {You’ll want to download these too if you like the fonts I used and want yours to match…}
Staring the year off right is so important! 12 tips to start a successful kindergarten year and a school supply list may just be the ticket.
Can you relate to this back to school teacher checklist?
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
Wow! I am so impressed with your ideas and the options you present. I am a new Kindergarten teacher for the Fall. Your site is full of wonderful ideas and effective teaching lessons. Thank you.
Starting a new school and grabbing this for potential. You have been a huge resource over the past couple of years when I taught a multiage. This year will only be KINDERGARTEN! There are details and fine tuning that I won’t be able to do till August. So excited about this upcoming year!
Hooray Katie for a year of just kindergarten. I hope it’s a fantastic year for you! Thank you for your kind words – I’m glad to have been a resource for you as you’ve been working in a multi-age classroom.
– Leslie
I love your School Wide Parent Kindergarten Registration Brochure! I saw it on your FB page. I downloaded it and began editing my brochure right away! I did notice one small typo that I can not edit. It is on slide 2 under reading. It says, “sore signs” instead of “store signs”. Thank you for making such a great product!!
OOooohh, I will totally have to edit that asap. Thanks!
– Leslie
Hi. My grade level team love the Kindergarten Handbook but we are having trouble with editing it. Is there any other way we can get a version we can edit? [email protected]
Hi Lorena,
Thanks for touching base. I also got your email. This version has certain sections that are editable, but unfortunately, not the entire document. I’m not able to share the full document since I create using a less-widely used format. Any tips I’d have to offer would be sure to download it first, then open it in MS PowerPoint before trying to make edits.
Hope that can help.
– Leslie
Hey! I tried to download the brochures but they wouldn’t work. 🙁 would it be possible to have them emailed to me? Thanks!
Hi there, I’d recommend trying a different browser or device! Hope that helps!
– Leslie
I love your parent info sheet. I made one up a few years back but fails in comparison to yours! I also love your school’s kindergarten round up brochure! Is there anyway you could email me a copy of that? It would be much appreciated.
[email protected]
Thanks for asking Elizabeth, but since it has my school information on it, I can’t. Thanks for understanding!
Love it! Thanks for sharing! I am awarding you with a stylish blog award!
Amy, I sent you an e-mail today! So glad you love them. Hope they are helpful with bringing in your new crop of kinders!
Thanks for your feedback Mrs. Degeo! Oh boy… dismissal… 😉
I just downloaded the Kindergarten handbook. I love the school brochure that shows the pick-up routine for cars! We had trouble with that this year, so I may try to create something similar for next fall. Thanks for posting!
Amy, I sent you an e-mail today! So glad you love them. Hope they are helpful with bringing in your new crop of kinders!
I LOVED your brochures. We are working on our K round up information this week. Would you be willing to e-mail me a PDF of your brochures? I tried to get the free download but I could not get it to work for some reason. I will keep on trying. Thanks again for sharing!
[email protected]
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You’re welcome Chrissy – that sounds like you’re about to be very busy! Wish you the best!
Thank you!!! Our Round-Up allows interested students to visit the classroom for an entire day. During the second week of April, I will have visitors each day!
Sara, I e-mailed you today! 🙂
Annabelle, I used Corel Draw to create these brochures. So glad you like it!
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Hope you team enjoys it too!
Thanks Michelle!
Love it! Thanks for sharing! I am awarding you with a stylish blog award!
Oh. My. Goodness. We have our Beginner’s Night coming up and have been using the same flyer since pretty much forever. This is SO great. Thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to show it to my team! 🙂
I had to select two boxes because I wanted to thank you for sharing and tell you that I like it! 🙂 We are working on a new Kindergarten brochure for our round-up and I love how eye catching and fun yours is! I don’t suppose you would be willing to share what program you used to create them?